Coaching the Nationals-qualifying IEB team!
Photo: Johnny Andrews/UNC-Chapel Hill
I was honored to win the 2023 Teaching Excellence Award from Carolina's Center for Public Service, nominated by my students.
I'm qualified to teach in value theory broadly, including moral philosophy, political philosophy, ancient philosophy, PPE, applied epistemology, and practical ethics. Syllabi available.
Democratic Deliberation Across the Rural-Urban Divide
This was an Applied Ethics course, including an intro. to normative ethics and an applied sequence of case-based reasoning exercises. I designed this course using community-engaged service learning methods, so my students worked on several philosophy outreach projects to North Carolina high schoolers and their teachers, focused on increasing access to the National High School Ethics Bowl.
My course was supported by a Diversity & Inclusiveness grant from the APA and conducted in partnership with the National High School Ethics Bowl program at UNC's Parr Center for Ethics. Here was our APA report, including my syllabus. My students also won grants for their work. And I won a Maynard Adams Public Humanities Fellowship to support my public philosophy work alongside this course.
Practical Ethics with Experiential Learning
This course included a primer on theoretical approaches to practical ethics and a sequence of applied case-based reasoning exercises.
The students in my class all competed on UNC's team for the APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl. Proud to report that they qualified for Nationals! Read about the class and the team here and here.
Environmental Ethics (TA)
Theories of nature, animal ethics, climate change. 2 sections.
Intro to Moral Philosophy: Virtue, Value, and Happiness (TA)
Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill. 2 sections.
Co-curricular Reading Groups
I planned and led several semester-long reading groups for the Parr Center for Ethics and the PPE Program, including Bryan Stevenson's Just Mercy, Martha Nussbaum's Anger and Forgiveness, and Robert Talisse's Sustaining Democracy.